Become a master of incredible characters. In this first installment of Series Bibles for Writers, discover the backstories, personalities, vulnerabilities, and what makes your fiction characters tick.
Contents include fully-customizable, in-depth pages for:
- Different personality types and aspects
- 12 primary character profiles with room for sketches and extra notes.
- 24 secondary character profiles and notes.
- 108 minor character mini-descriptions
- Character groups and lists
- Relationship maps and family trees
- Reference lists (alphabetical and chronological)
- Extra note pages for thoughts as they come to you.
Whether writing a series or multiple stand-alones, this workbook is comprehensive enough to handle it all. Think of this as a guided notebook--part of your own "series bible"-- that won't let you forget any detail. Even better, you can quickly search through your cast of characters as you're writing!