Animation World Network (AWN) is an online publishing group that specializes in resources for animators, with an extensive website offering news, articles and links for professional animators and animation fans.
About Animation World Network –
The Animation World Network is the largest animation-related publishing group on the Internet, providing readers from over 151 countries with a wide range of interesting, relevant and helpful information pertaining to all aspects of animation. Covering areas as diverse as animator profiles, independent film distribution, commercial studio activities, licensing, CGI and other animation technologies, as well as in-depth coverage of current events in all fields of animation, AWN gives its readers an easy to navigate, visually and intellectually creative mechanism to electronically access a wealth of information previously unavailable anywhere in the world.
Who has the time to search all over the Internet to find the information you need in a timely fashion? Imagine a unifying environment designed to bring together all available information about the international world of animation, expertly linked, displayed and easily accessible to anyone?
AWN's comprehensive and targeted coverage of the international animation community has made it the leading source of animation industry news in the world. Hundreds of thousands of animation professionals, educators, broadcasters, students and enthusiasts stay in touch with AWN to get the facts, figures, features and in-depth coverage they can't get anywhere else. AWN's intuitive categorization allows readers to find the areas of animation they want easily and fast. The site is both the perfect place for the busy professional to catch up on the latest news and buzz, and the perfect place for those looking for in-depth coverage that they cannot find anywhere else.
Through the Animation World Network, people worldwide have a single source for a vast array of information pertaining to all facets of the animation industry. From studios to independent animators, from broadcasters to cartoon enthusiasts, from hardware manufacturers to consumers, the Animation World Network has something for everybody.