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Journey of Souls - ஆன்மாக்களின் பயணம்

Do you wonder what is going to happen to you after you die?

Now considered a classic in the field, this remarkable book was the first fully to explore the mystery of life between lives. Journey of Souls presents the first-hand accounts of twenty-nine people placed in a “superconscious” state of awareness using Dr. Michael Newton’s groundbreaking techniques.

This unique approach allows Dr. Newton to reach his subjects’ hidden memories of life in the spirit world after physical death. While in deep hypnosis, the subjects movingly describe what happened to them between lives. They reveal graphic details about what the spirit world is really like, where we go and what we do as souls, and why we come back in certain bodies.

Through the extraordinary stories in this book, you will learn the specifics about: -How it feels to die? -What you see and feel right after death? -When and where you learn to recognize soul mates on earth? -Different levels of soul: beginning, intermediate, and advanced -What happens to “disturbed” souls -The purpose of life and manifestation of a “creator”.

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